
Neuro-facilitation techniques involve active and passive movements, postures and exercises that challenge the body where it falls short. Repetition and frequency are critical in neural conditioning and the carers and family members often join forces with the therapist to optimise the impact of the therapeutic intervention.

Postural management strategies aim to help improve the mobility, independence and quality of life of clients. The extent of the strategy depends on the severity and type of the condition. In more severe cases the client would require a 24-hour postural management plan and the appropriate equipment would be prescribed to support the client throughout their daily routine. I often work closely with other professionals to select and design this equipment to support each individual. Each strategy is person-centred, addressing the needs of the individual. This facilitates their sense of personal agency throughout the process which in turn adds great benefit to their quality of life.

Interventions include but are not limited to:

  • neuro-facilitation exercises
  • 24-hour postural management strategy
  • Sitting strategies including wheelchair assessment and design
  • Standing strategies including the use of standing frames and/or slings
  • Movement and transfer strategies
  • Sleeping posture strategies including the use of sleep systems and pillows